The late Mu’tazilite theologian and Shafī jurist Qadi ʿAbd al-Jabbār (d. 416/1025) has important works in the fields of theology and jurisprudence as well as tafsir, hadith, and history of religions. As the leader of the Basra school during his lifetime, Qadi ensured the continuation of the Mu’tazilite tradition by compiling and systematizing all the accumulated knowledge of the sect before him. Al-Mughnī, his 20-volume encyclopedic theological work is considered to be the most important Mu’tazilite source that has survived to the present day as it contains the ideas of the Basra school, to which Qadi belonged, as well as the different opinions within the Mu’tazila and the opinions of other schools of theology. Although Qadi ʿAbd al-Jabbār adhered to Mu’tazilī principles and followed the trajectory of Abu Hashim, he tried to soften some of the school's views to a more moderate line in order to correct the image of Mu’tazila that was shaken in the post-Mihna period. His ideas continued to be influential both within the school and in Shii/Zaydi circles through the students he trained such as al-Nisābūrī, Ibn Mettawayh, Abū al-Husayn al-Basrī, Sharif al-Murtazā, Qıwam al-Dīn Manqdim, and Abū Yusuf al-Qazwinī. This international symposium aims to understand and evaluate the ideas of Qadi ʿAbd al-Jabbār and to identify his contributions to Islamic thought.

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